
“The Law of Attraction Process”

Sabotaging the Law of Attraction

Welcome to Module #3 of the coaching program on 

“Becoming a Living Magnet”


Thus far you have: 

     -       Seen examples of the Law of Attraction in action and reflected on how it has worked in your life

     -       Learned the 5 key teachings of the Law of Attraction

     -      Explored the Law of Attraction process

     -      Created a vision of what you want for your life


This module takes you even further into the study of the Law of Attraction by looking at what sabotages your dreams from manifesting.


Sometimes the L.O.A. doesn’t seem to be working, and desires aren’t manifesting as you have visualized. It may be that you are unknowingly creating blockages that are preventing the Law of Attraction from working.


Let’s look at this now.

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“Five Things that will Sabotage The Law of Attraction Process”



For a moment, think about trying to drive a car with the parking brake still on.  No matter how much you try to accelerate, the brake will work against you and slow you down.  Once you release it, however, you will move easier and faster.


Like driving a car with the brake on, we can slow down and even block the Law of Attraction process from working through these five forms of sabotage.


1.   “Not creating a vacuum” If you think you are doing everything correctly to attract your desires into your life, but they haven’t come to you yet, perhaps you need to clear some clutter and make space for it. In other words, create a vacuum.

Sometimes what you desire doesn’t come to you because you haven’t created a space for it.  Clutter blocks energy flow.  When you open up a space in your life for something new to enter in, the space will get filled.

If you went out and bought new furniture for your living room, you would need to remove your old furniture before you could bring in the new furniture.  This is what is meant by creating a vacuum for what you desire.


2.   “Not attaching positive emotions to our desires” Remember, the Law of Attraction responds to the vibrations you are putting out and will bring you more of that same vibration.  Your emotions are a key ingredient to manifesting your desires.

When you feel any emotion, whether it’s negative or positive, the experience can be quite intense.  Since the Law of Attraction responds to the energy vibration of your emotions, it’s important to be aware of your emotional responses and how you perceive circumstances in your life.  

You can make a conscious choice to view your circumstances in a positive light or focus on the negative.  By focusing on the positive, your desires are aligned with positive vibrations instead of inadvertently sending out mixed signals, which will delay your desires.


3.   “Not truly believing” Matter follows vision and belief.  It’s easy to forget the belief piece of this equation.

Admittedly, can be difficult to put your trust in a process that on the surface may seem far-fetched. It is not surprising then that when the chips are down, you fall back into disbelief.  You may not truly believe that you will get what you desire.  And by lowering your expectations, you protect yourself from disappointment.

However, as we discussed earlier, being lukewarm in your intent repels rather than attracts what you desire.


4.   “Not releasing negative mental programming” Negative self-talk is like static.  If not turned off, it will reduce your ability to create and manifest your desires.  Unfortunately, many of us have a tendency to hold on to what’s negative without even realizing it.  You must be willing to release negative mental programming in order to make room for something positive.

Make a conscious effort to restructure the way you think and speak, and avoid giving energy to the things you don’t want.  Be aware that negativity can be very insidious.  It will sneak into your life in ways you don’t even notice.  It is so commonplace that it seems normal, and we have become immune to its effects.  Refuse, instead, to give it your attention.


5.   “Not mindful of where our attention is going” 

The Law of Attraction doesn’t filter the information you provide it.  It doesn’t decide what is best for you. Since you have free will, you decide where you want to focus your energy and your attention.  So it’s really important to focus on what you do want,  not on what you don’t want.


It’s not surprising that many people have a tendency to phrase things in a negative way,  without meaning to do so.  Think about how much time people spend discussing their problems and focusing on what’s wrong in their lives.  From now on, make a commitment to shift your energy, and start thinking and speaking in a more positive way. Make it a point to start focusing on what is right in your life, not wrong.


Start noticing where your attention is actually going.  You will be surprised to realize how frequently you think, speak, or act with your focus on the opposite of what you really want.


Becoming a Living Magnet