
The Present Moment

Welcome to Module #4 of the coaching program on Emotional Smarts. 

Thus far you have learned a lot about the brain, your emotions, and how they can impact your relationships.

In this module you will explore your own emotions in more depth.


Next you will explore your emotions through a short, guided self-awareness exercise.

Click on the blue "I" to download the guided visualization to your computer and then listen with eyes closed in a relaxing position.

Guided Visualization

Put down your pen or pencil and relax in your chair.

Below are the words to the visualization you just heard.

Welcome to the guided visualization on exploring your emotions.

Take a moment now to get comfortable in your chair and begin to relax. 

Concentrate on your breath, following it into and out of your body.

Feel your chest and stomach expand and contract as you breathe.

Keep your thoughts focused on your breath as you notice your chest and stomach expanding as the air flows in,   and as your chest and stomach contract as the air goes out.

The challenge is to maintain a present moment awareness in circumstances when your emotions become all-consuming.

What are you thinking about right now, if not your breathing? [PAUSE]

What thoughts are coming to the forefront of your mind? [PAUSE]

What feelings are associated with these thoughts? [PAUSE 

What emotions are you experiencing right now?  If you can’t name them, try and describe the sensation.  How are they making you feel? [PAUSE]

When you are ready, bring your awareness back to sitting in your chair.  The feel of the chair beneath you, your feet on the ground, your arms resting.  Come back to the present. And return to this module.

Emotional Intelligence is the blending of your cognitive, emotional and behavioral functions. 

It’s not enough to operate in only one or two of these realms. You must operate in all three realms in order to be fully present.

Being fully present means paying attention to each situation and the feelings you are experiencing without resistance, without judgment, without analyzing and without reacting. 

To manage your emotions is to realize the link between your thoughts, feelings and actions. 

By checking in with yourself, you begin to become more aware of the subtle changes that are happening at any given moment. 

This takes self-awareness.

And self-awareness is what leads to self-management

The Five Domains of Emotional Intelligence